About | Background | Publications 

Graham Greenleaf's Web Pages - 2024

GG photo
Graham Greenleaf AM, FAAL, FACS 
Independent Scholar
Co-Founder & Senior Researcher, Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII)
(Previously Professor of Law & Information Systems, UNSW Sydney Faculty of Law)
Email: graham@austlii.ed.au or g.greenleaf@iinet.net.au

Thanks for visiting my web pages. I am an Independent Scholar  whose work concerns inter-relationships between information technology and law: legal information systems and IT law. During 2024  I will continue research  on the global development of data privacy laws and agreements, and research on free access to legal information and the implications of artificial intelligence (AI). I will continue collaborations with colleagues from AustLII

My most recent books are
  Public Rights: Copyright's Public Domains (Co-author David Lindsay; Cambridge University Press, June 2018, paperback September 2019) and Asian Data Privacy Laws: Trade and Human Rights Perspectives (Oxford University Press 2014,  paperback 2017).   Details of  previous appointments, awards, grants, consultancies etc are on my background page. See below for my SSRN, Google Scholar and X(Twitter) resources.

Book cover
Home page of Library
GG&DL_cover Table 4th Ed Jan 2015
Asian Data Privacy Laws: Trade  and Human Rights Perspectives  (OUP 2014; Paperback ed. (2017)  - Free online Update 2014-17 & 2017-2018 Further Update Global Data Protection, Privacy & Surveillance Law Library  on WorldLII - Global collection of data privacy legislation, decisions, treaties, articles, etc.
Greenleaf & Lindsay Public Rights: Copyright's Public Domains (Cambridge UP, 2018).  Overview (free) Supplement (free)
Global Tables of Data Privacy Laws and Bills (8th Ed, 2023)
162 countries with data privacy laws plus those with official Bills.

Publications etc

By date:  2013-22 (this page)  20122011 | 2010  | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | Pre-2007

By subject: Data privacy (+ Global Table) ID Systems  | Public Domain | Free Access to Law | AI & Law (DataLex)  | Other ...

By repository/citator:  Legal Scholarship Network (SSRN/LSN)  |  Google Scholar   | Twitter (X): @grahamgreenleaf


Submitted or in publication













[Previous publications etc back to 1998]

Contact information for Graham Greenleaf

E-mail: g.greenleaf@iinet.net.au or graham@austlii.edu.au

This page created 1 October 1995. Last updatedat the date of the most recent addition above.
This page is http://www2.austlii.edu.au/~graham/