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3.11. Annexures to Chapter 3

3.11.1. Questionnaire To Be Administered By Local Survey Assistants (Extracts)


Revised 30 July 1997


1. Introduction: Project DIAL


1.1 The local survey assistant will be assumed to be sufficiently familiar with the Internet to be able to explain to those assisting to answer the questionnaire the basic concepts of the Internet, including the nature of the world-wide-web and of e-mail. The following paragraphs are intended as the type of short summary of Project DIAL that might be given to those assisting.

1.2 Project DIAL (Development of the Internet for Asian Law) is a feasibility study of the potential use of the Internet to assist those involved in the development of legislation in the developing member countries (DMCs) of the Asian Development Bank. Other lawyers in DMCs may also benefit from the project, but are not its primary focus. The project envisages two methods of assistance: (a) the DIAL Index of legislative resources (and other resources) on the world-wide-web and (b) the DIALogue e-mail facility for obtaining advice from panelists and other authorised users.

1.3 The DIAL Index will aim to provide effective access through the Internet's world-wide-web to those legislative resources already on the web, so as to provide ready access to comparative legal materials from other countries. It will be based principally around a subject index of matters which are of particular interest to those drafting legislation in DMCs (`Privatisation', `Environment' etc), but will also have indexes which classify materials by the country they concern, by international organisations etc. Each index entry will be a `link' taking the user directly to the resource located elsewhere on the Internet.

For each type of subject matter the DIAL Index will include the following types of links: (i) Direct links to specific statutes (etc) on remote site; (ii) Links to subject indexes to statutes (etc) on remote site; (iii) Embedded searches over every word on remote legislation sites that have their own search engines; (iv) Embedded searches over general (ie non-law) indexes; and (v) Embedded searches over every word on remote legislation sites which do not have their own search engines but have been indexed by the project's `web spider' (the `DIAL Search' facility).

The end result is intended to be a very extensive set of links and searches on each subject matter, which gives users access to a wide range of comparable legislative resources in many countries.

The URL of the Project DIAL prototype pages is http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/special/dial/

1.4 DIALogue will be an e-mail based facility by which authorised users in DMCs (principally those officials involved with legislation) may obtain some level of free guidance from (or make contact with) panelists in particular subjects, as well as possibly obtaining guidance from other users of the facility.

DIALogue will only be accessible to authorised users in DMCs (primarily those officials involved with legislation), other selected authorised users such as the legal officers of the ADB, and selected legal panelists in the subject areas most needed by DMC authorised users (the `DIALogue panel').

Authorised users of DIALogue will be provided with an online form from which they will conveniently be able to choose to send electronic mail to (i) a specific panelist (from online profiles of the DIALogue panel), (ii) multiple panelists; (iii) all panelists; (iv) all authorised users; (iv) all panelists and authorised users or (v) the LAW-DEV public subscription e-mail list as well.

It is expected that the DIALogue panel will provide some basic level of guidance (such as brief statements of general principles, where to find resources, which country's legislation is worth considering, other people to contact, etc). It is also hoped that all authorised users may provide some level of useful guidance to their fellow users.

2. Procedural guidelines for local survey assistants


2.1 The expression `the target group for this project in your country' throughout the questionnaire is a reference to all those persons who have a significant role in the development of legislative policy, the drafting of legislation, codes and regulations, and in law reform research leading to the passage of legislation, codes and regulations. This includes legislative policy officers in government ministries, draftspersons, staff of law reform agencies, and legislature staff.

2.2 In countries which have a central government and State/Regional/Provincial governments, the emphasis of this project is primarily on the central government and its agencies. We expect that the Local survey assistant will do such fieldwork (including by telephone) as is necessary to obtain information concerning central government agencies. We expect that the local survey assistant will provide such information as the survey assistant knows about other levels of government, without doing fieldwork.

2.3 All government ministries/departments and regulatory authorities or commissions that have a significant involvement in legislative drafting or codification and economic law reform activities should be contacted by the Local survey assistant. Such ministries/departments would typically include those dealing with the subjects of law, legislative or parliamentary affairs, finance, industry, commerce, trade, interior, and provincial and local government affairs; regulatory authorities would typically include those dealing with companies/corporations, monopoly control, securities and exchange commissions, capital markets, privatisation and related subjects. To the extent any government line ministries/departments are significantly involved in drafting of laws in particular subject areas on a regular basis (eg. health, education), to the extent feasible, they should also be contacted.

[Parts omitted]


3. General Availability of Internet Access in your Country


3.1 If Internet access is not available in your country, what are the principal reasons for this? Are efforts under way to introduce Internet access into your country? If so, what is the current status of those efforts? Please distinguish between proposals to introduce only e-mail access, and proposals for full Internet services including world-wide-web access (`web access').

3.2 If Internet access is available in your country, approximately how many Internet service providers (ISPs) are there in your country? Please give some details of the identity of those Internet service providers, including whether they are operated by government or the private sector. If possible, please provide details and e-mail address of a key person at one or two of these ISPs who would be willing to provide us with some further information if needed.

3.3 Please provide details of the capacity and structure of the links

between Internet services within your country and the rest of the world.

3.4 Please provide details of the capacity and structure of the

Internet services within your country (e.g. redundant network links between major centres, bandwidth available between individual in-country users).

3.5 If Internet access is available in your country, to what extent (if any) is this limited to e-mail access, rather than full Internet services including web access?

3.6 Are there any legal or licensing restrictions which limit the availability of access to the Internet in your country? If so, please provide brief details. Please distinguish between restrictions on e-mail and restrictions on web access, where appropriate.

3.7 If Internet access is available in your country, what are the financial and technical parameters needed to get online (e.g. lease of dedicated telephone lines, requirement of particular types of modems, line bandwidth)? Are there any limitations (e.g. inadequate telephone lines, power interruptions, etc.)?

3.8 What is the typical cost to obtain an Internet connection in your country? Specify hardware, software, access to telephone line, modem, and service-provider costs. Please distinguish between e-mail access and full Internet access.

Please include the following costs:

- A standard personal computer (PC) running Windows (or Macintosh) with 16 MB of RAM and wordprocessing, e-mail and web browsing software;

- A modem capable of V.34 communications up to 28800 bps

data rate (alternative price for V.32bis up to 14400 bps);

- Internet service provider access cost per hour;

- Telecommunications cost per hour to connect to Internet service provider;

- Any other common costs

4. Access to the Internet by Government Officials and Lawyers


Note: To assist the Local survey assistant, a short `Questionnaire for Potential Users of Project DIAL' is attached as Appendix B. The Local survey assistant is requested to have this questionnaire, or a version of it, completed by as many interviewees in the target group as possible.

4.1 What is the current level of use of Internet in your country amongst the target group for this project in your country. Please distinguish between e-mail access and full Internet access.

4.2 What is the current level of use of Internet in your country amongst other lawyers and those requiring law resources (including NGOs, bar associations and staff and students at law schools)? Please distinguish between e-mail access and full Internet access.

4.3 What impediments (logistical, financial, or legal), if any, prevent greater Internet access by each of (i) the target groups and (ii) other lawyers?

4.4 What is the current extent of general computer literacy among (i) the target groups and (ii) other lawyers?

4.5 What training programs and training facilities are available for the target groups for (i) general computer literacy and (ii) Internet use?

4.6 How important is the provision of training to the target group, as a means of increasing Internet usage, in comparison with other factors such as availability of computers and availability of Internet access.

4.7 What computer hardware and software is typically available to members of the target group?

5. Country Needs for Comparative Legislative Information


5.1 What are the procedures typically followed in your country in the drafting of new legislation, codes and regulations and amending of existing legislation, codes and regulations? Identify the sources of information consulted during such drafting.

5.2 What are the principal subject areas of law reform in which the target group for this project in your country are interested (eg `environment', `water resources'? A list of proposed subject headings for the DIAL Index is at Appendix A.

5.3 What types of legal information concerning the laws of other countries would typically be needed or be found useful by the target group for this project in your country?

5.4 Please rank the following types of information about legislation, codes and regulations of other countries, in order how useful access to it would be to the target group for this project in your country, ranked from most useful to least useful:

* text of legislation (Acts, Codes, Regulations, Decrees etc);

* official information about legislation (eg Parliamentary research papers or explanatory papers);

* Parliamentary debates about legislation, codes and regulations;

* Reports by law reform commissions and similar bodies proposing legislation, codes and regulations;

* text of international treaties;

* texts of law journals with articles discussing legislation, codes and regulations.

5.5 Would access to the world-wide-web facilities described in part 1 above as the `DIAL Index' be useful to the target group for this project in your country, assuming they are able to access it? Would it be of use to particular users more than others?

5.6 Would access to the world-wide-web facilities described in part 1 above as the `DIAL Index' be useful to other lawyers in your country, assuming they are able to access it? Would it be of use to particular users more than others?

5.7 What other offices should be contacted that would use the facilities contemplated to be offered by Project DIAL (eg National Library)?

6. Country Needs for access to Legal Expertise in Law Reform


6.1 Do government lawyers/draftspersons engage legal consultants for drafting and other types of legal work? If so, what is the required procedure to engage local and/or foreign legal consultants? Would such procedure be applicable in the case of use of the proposed DIALogue facility described in 1 above?

6.2 Would access to the DIALogue facility be useful to the target group for this project in your country, assuming they are able to access it? Would it be of use to particular users more than others?

6.3 Would access to the DIALogue facility be useful to other lawyers in your country, assuming they are able to access it? Would it be of use to particular users more than others?

6.4 Would the target group for this project in your country be willing and able to use the DIALogue facility if some user fees were charged?

6.5 Would other lawyers in your country be willing and able to use the DIALogue facility if some user fees were charged?

7. Availability of Your Country's Laws on the Internet


7.1 To what extent, if at all, are your country's laws, or information about them, already available on the Internet? You may be assisted by looking at those resources listed under your country at http://www.austlii.edu.au/links/Countries/index.html If you know of significant Internet law resources relating to your country not listed there, please list the URLs (Internet addresses) of those resources.

7.2 What are the main reasons why more legal information concerning your country is not yet available on the Internet?

7.3 To what extent, if any, are your country's laws, or information about them, already available in other computerised forms (eg CD-ROMs or non-Internet online services)? Please provide brief details of significant resources which are so available.

7.4 To what extent are significant projects underway to place more of your country's laws on the Internet. Please provide brief details of significant projects which are underway. If possible, please provide contact details (preferably an e-mail address) of a person who may be able to supply further details if necessary.

3.11.2. Table - International connectivity of Member Countries of the Asian Development Bank

Adapted[107] from a more extensive world-wide Table by Lawrence Landweber[108], available at http://www.isoc.org/infosvc/table.txt

The codes `I', `u', `U', `F' and `F' are used as follows:

* IP INTERNET Col. 2 (Entities with international IP Internet links.)

* UUCP Col. 3 (Entities with domestic UUCP sites which are connected to the Global Multiprotocol Open Internet.)
* FIDONET Col. 4 (Entities with domestic FIDONET sites which are connected to the Global Multiprotocol Open Internet) The `entities' in this table as named in the third coulumn are the geographical area that has the ISO two letter country code in the second column[109].


Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of)
American Samoa
Austria (Republic of)
Bangladesh (People's Republic of)
Belgium (Kingdom of)
Bhutan (Kingdom of)
China (People's Republic of)
Cook Islands
Denmark (Kingdom of)
Fiji (Republic of)
Finland (Republic of)
France (French Republic)
Germany (Federal Republic of)
Hong Kong, China
India (Republic of)
Indonesia (Republic of)
Italy (Italian Republic)
Kiribati (Republic of)
Korea (Republic of )
Kyrgyz Republic
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Maldives (Republic of)
Marshall Islands (Republic of the)
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Myanmar (Union of)
Nauru (Republic of)
Nepal (Kingdom of)
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
New Zealand
Norway (Kingdom of)
Pakistan (Islamic Republic of)
Papua New Guinea
Philippines (Republic of the)
Samoa (Independent State of)
Singapore (Republic of)
Solomon Islands
Spain (Kingdom of)
Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of)
Sweden (Kingdom of)
Switzerland (Swiss Confederation)
Taiwan, Province of China
Thailand (Kingdom of)
Tonga (Kingdom of)
Turkey (Republic of)
United Kingdom (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
United States (United States of America)
Vanuatu (Republic of, formerly New Hebrides)
Vietnam (Socialist Republic of)

3.11.3. Philippines - Administrative Order 332, 9 December 1997





WHEREAS, the objective of the National Information and Technology Plan (NITP 2000) is to disseminate Information Technology in our society, giving priority to connecting the Philippines to the Global Information Infrastructure (GII), pursuant to our strategic vision of "Philippines 2000" and "pole vaulting" into the 21st century;

WHEREAS, there is a need to immediately set in place a viable and cost effective communication and information exchange system for greater speed and efficiency in intergovernmental communications and transactions, at the same time ensuring wider and faster access to government information and services among government agencies and the public;

WHEREAS, the National Information Technology Council (NITC) has recommended the adoption of the RPWEB while the House of Repre- sentatives has passed House Resolution No. 890 seeking the inter- connection of government agencies and instrumentalities, includ- ing government owned and controlled corporations, state universi- ties and colleges and public schools through the Internet by connecting with any of the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) throughout the country;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

SECTION 1. Interconnection in the Government - All government departments, agencies, bureaus and instrumentalities and as practicable down to the division level, including field offices, government-owned and controlled corporations, state universities and colleges, public schools and local government units shall interconnect using the Internet, through any ISP. This virtual interconnection shall be known as the RPWEB which shall be the precursor to the Philippine Information Infrastructure (PII).

This Order shall be implemented in the following phases:

PHASE 1: All Cabinet Members down to the Assistant Secretary levels, including all regional field offices and other offices outside of main office First Year 1997

SUCCEEDING PHASES: Bureau Chief down to the Division level Second Year 1998 onwards

Government offices shall connect to the Internet as soon as possible. This phasing shall not inhibit other government of- fices to connect earlier as the circumstances would warrant especially government offices physically separated from the main offices, provided such connection is part of its information technology system plan/program.

SEC. 2. Monitoring of Utilization of Budget for Interconnection - The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) shall monitor the utilization of the existing appropriations and savings of govern- ment agencies and instrumentalities pertaining to Internet con- nection. For the speedy acquisition of hardware, software data modems, telephone dial-up lines, leased/dedicated lines and local area networks necessary for the Internet connections, DBM shall no longer require government offices to submit individual re- quests for authority for the purpose, out of the above mentioned existing appropriations and savings.

SEC. 3. Implementing Agency - The Department of Transportation and Communications, through the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), shall undertake the following to facilitate the establishment of the RPWEB:

a. Ensure that the ISPs servicing government offices and the academe are interconnected with each other for purposes of local data transmission via the Internet and through network access points which should also be connected to each other at no cost to the government;

b. Ensure that the telecommunications carriers give priority, as may be necessary, to the telephone dial-up lines, leased/dedicated lines and trunking facility requirements of the ISPs;

c. Ensure the completion of telecommunication facilities pro- grammed for 1998 under the Service Area Scheme by requiring all telecommunication carriers to fast-track the implementa- tion of their telephone roll-out programs, especially in the regions/provinces, as provided for in EO 109; and

d. Study the possibility of reducing or maintaining at minimal levels the tariff rates on international and local leased/dedicated lines to ensure greater affordability of these services, as well as other measures that will encour- age the wider use of and access to the Internet.

SEC. 4. Project Implementation Monitoring. - The National Infor- mation Technology Council shall monitor and evaluate the imple- mentation after six (6) months to ensure that the objectives of this order are being attained and to make the necessary recommen- dations to improve its implementation.

The NITC, through the National Computer Center and in coordina- tion with DBM and DOTC/NTC, shall issue such rules, regulations, circulars and other issuances as may be necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of this Administrative Order. The NITC shall also submit regular quarterly reports on the status of implementation of the RPWEB to the Office of the President.

SEC. 5. Source of Funds. - The funds necessary to undertake electronic interconnection through the Internet, known as RPWEB, shall be charged against the existing appropriations and savings of the respective government departments, agencies and instrumen- talities. Henceforth, all government departments, agencies, bureaus and instrumentalities shall set aside a minimum amount to cover the implementation and maintenance costs of Internet con- nection out of their appropriations in the annual general appro- priations act and shall submit to DBM semestral reports on the amounts utilized for the RPWEB.

SEC. 6. Repealing Clause. - All issuances, orders and regula- tions or parts thereof which are inconsistent with any of the provisions of this administrative order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SEC. 7. Effectivity. - This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 7th day of November in the year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Seven.


By the President:

(SDG) RUBEN D. TORRES Executive Secretary

[107] Copyright 1997 Lawrence H. Landweber and the Internet Society. Unlimited permission to copy or use is hereby granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice.

[108] `INTERNATIONAL CONNECTIVITY Version 16 - June 15, 1997Please send corrections, information and/or comments to:Larry LandweberComputer Sciences Dept.University of Wisconsin - Madison1210 W. Dayton St.Madison, WI 53706lhl@cs.wisc.eduFAX 1-608-265-2635Include details, e.g., on connections, sites, contacts, protocols,etc.

Special thanks are due to Steve Huter of the NSRC and OlivierCrepin-Leblond for making this and earlier versions of the ConnectivityTable possible. This version (postscript, ditroff, text forms, maps inpostscript and bmp) and earlier versions may also be obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.wisc.edu in the connectivity_table directory. Note thatthe Fidonet and UUCP entries may be incomplete. ` (L Landweber)

[109] `An entity is a geographical area that has an ISO two letter country code (ISO 3166). These country codes are included inthe Table below for each entity (Cols 7-8). Note that the ISO codes do not always agree with the top level DNS (Domain Name) code(s) used by hosts in a particular entity. For example, Internet hosts in a number of countries have DNS names ending in .net or .com. In the United Kingdom, .uk is used while the official ISO code is .gb. There are still hosts in the former Soviet Union that use .su in their DNS names.Restricted access or dial-up IP links exist in a number of countries. These are not included in the table as Internet connections. There are also a number of private Fidonet nodes that are used for specific projects or by designated groups. These are also not included.' (L Landweber)

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