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For further information ...

Justice Michael Kirby (1999) 'Free The Law - Beyond The "Dark Chaos"' (Opening Address to the 'Law via Internet 99' Conference) [1999] COL 4

Tom McMahon (Counsel, Information Law and Privacy Section, Justice Canada) "Access to the Law in the Land of Oz" Commentary 1999 (3) The Journal of  Information, Law and Technology (JILT)

Austin, Mowbray and Chung 'Scalability of web resources for law: AustLII's technical roadmap' (1999) 'Law via Internet 99' Conference

Greenleaf,  Mowbray and King  ''The Politics of Public Legal Information", Chapter 4 of 'The AustLII Papers - New Directions in Law via the Internet'    1997 (2) The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT)  - This paper gives a brief history of why and how AustLII was created and the politics of obtaining free access to legal information.

Greenleaf, Austin, Chung, Mowbray, Matthews and  Davis 'The future of legal research via Internet, from an Asian perspective  (Project DIAL and AustLII's World Law)' 16th Biennial LAWASIA Conference, Seoul, Korea, 7-11 September 1999

AustLII Publications (a general list of publications about AustLII)

Graham Greenleaf