Reading Guide:
Hypertext and Retrieval
1. Introduction - Text retrieval and hypertext in legal applications
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[This Part is completed for 2000]
Hypertext and text retrieval are still the two fundamental technologies for computerising
legal information, both on the world-wide-web and in CD-ROM based applications
to law.
The objective of this topic is for you to understand the basic computing principles
behind hypertext and text retrieval, methods of evaluating the effectiveness
of such tools in relation to legal research, and the problems of and possible
solutions to world-wide legal research over the internet.
Topics to be covered include:
- Hypertext - history and distinguishing features
- Methods of developing hypertext systems, particularly large-scale ones
- Integration of hypertext and text retrieval
- Text retrieval basic principles, including concordances and relevance ranking
- Evaluation of text retrieval systems
- Internet search engines and legal research
- Indexing law on the internet, particularly attempts to build global systems
Many of the articles and other resources to be used in this Reading Guide can
be found in:
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