University of New South Wales Faculty of Law  Commons & Public Rights in IP (LAWS5239)

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Commons & Public Rights in Intellectual Property 2008


Teaching materials

  • Unlocking IP Project
  • House of Commons blog
  • Search & Stats
  • IP Law Library (AustLII)
  • AIPLRes (AustLII)
  • Creative Commons Australia
  • Library Catalog (LRD)
  •  Sirius Login
  • News & Additions  

    Start here: Resources & Reading Guide  
    • Welcome to students in the 2008 course (18 & 19 April 2008). The printed course materials have been mailed to students today, and an email has been sent with the password (9/4/08)


    These pages are  for students studying Commons & Public Rights in IP (LAWS5239). Other visitors may not be able to access some materials. These pages do not provide legal advice.  Thanks to Catherine Bond for assistance with all materials. These pages were created April 2007. Last updated as at the most recent Notice above.

    Pages maintained by Graham Greenleaf
    This page is
    These are not official UNSW pages.