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4.8. Statistics on use of the DIAL prototype

The Project DIAL prototype pages have only been available on the Internet for about five months, and have not been announced widely or registered with Internet catalogues or search engines (because the prototype was not finished). Statistics on access to DIAL pages have only been kept for four months (to 31 Janurary 1998)[120]http://bondi.austlii.edu.au/dial_stats.html]. The DIAL pages have received over 10,000 `hits' during that time (an average of 82 per day), of which over half come from sources outside Australia (where the AustLII host and the system developers are located). The largest other usage domains were the USA and the `.org' domain (which includes the Asian Development Bank).

The most interesting statistic, however, concerns the wide range of countries from which this `unadvertised' prototype is already drawing users. The Project DIAL pages have been accessed by users from each of the following countries, in approximate order (highest to lowest): Australia, United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand; Singapore; India; Japan; Sweden; Canada; Italy; Malaysia; Germany; Netherlands; Ireland; Kyrgyzstan; Brazil; Hong Kong; Taiwan; South Korea; Israel; Ethiopia; Switzerland; Trinidad and Tobago; Portugal; Dominica; Norway; Indonesia; Finland; Dominican Republic; Russian Federation; France; Belgium; Austria; South Africa; Costa Rica; Slovenia; Turkey; Thailand; Greece; Czech Republic; Spain; Chile; Fiji; Kazakhstan; Cayman Islands; Denmark; Slovak Republic; Brunei Darussalam; Bulgaria; Zambia; Luxembourg; Argentina; Estonia; Former USSR; Guyana; Poland; Hungary; Mexico; Pakistan; Zimbabwe; Egypt; Croatia; Sri Lanka; Latvia; Malta; Ukraine; Yugoslavia; United Arab Emirates; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Colombia; Papua New Guinea; and Philippines.

It is particularly interesting to note that 10 of the Bank's DMCs are included in this list, although it is equally clear that DIAL will obtain users from all over the world. It should also be remembered that these statistics only refer to Project DIAL pages, and not to the whole of AustLII's World Law Index of which DIAL pages make up only about 20%. Many DIAL users may have accessed other World Law Index pages as well.

The other interesting statistics concern the pages most frequently accessed, which are: DIAL Search (2120 hits); Legislation (1,100); the DIAL home page (941); DIAL Index front page (660); the Guided Tour (372); Law Reform (358); Development Law Subjects (321) and Parliaments (289).

The high usage for the Legislation page is because users also access it from the World Law Index front page, not only from the DIAL Index front page. This is shown by the fact that the top five `referrer pages' in the statistics (pages from which users have come in order to access a DIAL page) are: DIAL Search; the World Law Index front page; the DIAL home page; the Legislation page; and the DIAL Index first page. The high referral from the World Law Index page illustrates how a `multi threaded index' tends to increase usage for all its components. The referral statistics also indicate that no page outside DIAL such as Alta Vista or Yahoo! pages (except the World Law Index page and one Australian index) have as yet referring more than 20 hits to DIAL. It can therefore be expected that DIAL pages will receive much greater use once they are listed with Internet directories and search engines.


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