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8.4. Costs of assisting user access in DMCs

Chapter 3 includes recommendations that the Bank should assist user access to DIAL in a selection of countries, through a combination of the provision of training (both internet delivery and face-to-face) and some assistance with Internet access costs (with a flat sum allocated, suggested to be $5,000 or less per country).

The delivery of training in Project DIAL use is best thought of as independent of the estimated costs for establishing and maintaining the DIAL facilities. Training costs depend on the type, location, level of expertise, amount and frequency of training required, and so is essentially an open-ended requirement which needs to have a separate budget allocation.

If we assume, for example, that assistance will be given to seven countries (the same number as surveyed for this feasibility study), then a possible budget for this assistance would be:

Much of this assistance to users in DMCs could be provided within the completion phase (the first year), but it may not be possible or sensible to do this. While it is desirable to encourage use of DIAL as early as possible, it would be better to only commence training when the completion phase is well underway, and a more complete system in existence on which to train. Furthermore, it may be difficult and unwise to divert DIAL staff from system development in the early stages.

8.4.1. Recommendations

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