[AustLII logo]

All key AustLII software is written in-house

Search engine (sino): Andrew Mowbray

Hypertext markup suite (findacts, findcases etc): Andrew Mowbray

Web indexing suite (feathers, commet etc): Daniel Austin and Geoff King

Targeted web spider (gromit and wallace): Daniel Austin

Caselaw capture and management tools: Philip Chung

Web document management system (Anarchivist): Daniel Austin, Philip Chung and Andrew Mowbray

Distributed legal inferencing engine (wysh): RussellAllen, Geoff King, and Simon Cant

Legal Inferencing shell  (ysh): Andrew Mowbray

(See Austin, Mowbray and Chung 'Scalability of web resources for law: AustLII's technical roadmap' (1999))

Graham Greenleaf