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4. Research strategies - How to use World Law

4.1. There is no perfect legal research tool

The number of 'web pages' on the Internet already estimated as exceeding one billion. The number of law sites, the complexity of their content, and their rapid expansion, makes a comprehensive catalog for law impossible. The best Internet-wide search engines only manage to make less than half of these web pages searchable, and it is completely unknown what percentage of web pages relating to law are searchable.

 There is therefore no perfect tool for legal research, and any research strategy has to start with these two points:

4.2. Always check 'Other Indexes'

World Law has one of the Internet's largest catalogs of law sites, but there are many other valuable catalogs (also called 'indexes' and 'directories') of law sites on the web, and some of them will contain valuable links to law sites not yet provided by World Law.

The World >> Other Indexes page lists a very wide range of other Internet legal indexes available. A limited scope search from this page will often provide a very high value list of the specific pages in other indexes that index a particular country or subject.

 Many county and subject pages in World Law have an 'Other Indexes' sub category in their Top set of subcategories. It is always worthwhile checking the "Other Indexes' page.

 A few of the most useful other indexes which give some degree of global coverage are:

These can all be found on the World >> Other Indexes page.
Guided Tour
  1. Go to the World >> Other Indexes page, and inspect at least two of the indexes recommended above, plus at least two of the other world-wide indexes that look interesting to you.
  2. Go to the 'Other Indexes By Country@' subcategory, and look at one or more of the other indexes for:
  3. Go to the 'Other Law Subject Indexes@' subcategory, and look at:

4.3. Always use an Internet-wide search engine as well

Internet-wide search engines have different strengths and weaknesses than World Law's search engine. They cover all types of subject matter, not just law. They are likely to cover some law sites not in World Law, but to miss others.

The World >> Search Engines@ page provides a list of over 20 Internet-wide search engines.

Some of the best Internet-wide search engines at present are:

Guided Tour - Using Google and Alta Vista
Go to the World >> Search Engines@ page.
  1. Go to the Google search engine:
  2. Go to the Alta Vista search engine or to Raging Search. Try the same exercise as you tried above for Google.

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