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AustLII -
Changing the nature of public access to law

Graham Greenleaf, Andrew Mowbray, Geoffrey King,
Philip Chung, Daniel Austin


[*] Graham Greenleaf, Professor of Law and Co-Director of AustLII, University of New South Wales ([mailto:graham@austlii.edu.au] ); Andrew Mowbray, Senior Lecturer in Law and Associate Dean, and Co-Director of AustLII, University of Technology, Sydney (andrew@austlii.edu.au); Geoffrey King, consultant to and formerly Manager of AustLII (geoff@austlii.edu.au); Philip Chung, Lecturer in Law and Manager of AustLII, University of Technology, Sydney (philip@austlii.edu.au); Daniel Austin, Primary Legal Materials and Programming Support Officer, AustLII (dan@austlii.edu.au)

[**] Earlier versions of parts of this paper were given uner the title `A restatement of AustLII - Moving access to law into the 21st century' at the 52nd Annual Conference of the Australasian Law Teachers Association (ALTA), University of Technology, Sydney, 2-5 October 1997 and the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting January 6-10, 1998 San Francisco `Thinking and Teaching About Law in a Global Context as an Exercise in Common Enterprise' Section on Law Libraries - 21st Century Scholarship: Legal Knowledge Systems on the Internet

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